Viele deutsche Quäker haben in diesen Jahren vorbildlich gehandelt:
Nothnagle schreibt: Of all the denominations presented in this
volume, only the Quakers came out of the Third Reich with clean hands. The
Quakers enjoyed a special status in Germany. After all, in an effort spearheaded
by Herbert Hoover the international Quaker movement had fed millions of citizens
during the famine years following World War I, and the movement had an excellent
reputation, meaning that it had no need to curry favor with the authorities.
Moreover, it is a religion that treats all persons as equals and makes do
entirely without doctrines and clergy. The latter peculiarities go far to
explain the group's special form of non-collaboration in Nazi atrocities. As
Claus Bernet, the world's leading authority on German Quakerism, writes in his
essay on the country’s tiny Society of Friends, “Among German Quakers in the
years 1933 to 1945 there is not a single known case of discrimination towards
Jewish citizens. While the Quakers were highly disunited on many political
questions, when it came to their relations with Jews an atmosphere of
acceptance, helpfulness, and solidarity prevailed.”
Es bleibt zu Hoffen, dass dieses Handeln auch in den USA etwas bekannter wird. Schockierend, wenn man sich vor Augen hält, dass bei Umfragen heute erschreckend viele Amerikaner glauben, in Deutschland seien immer noch die Nationalsozialisten an der Macht.